ESA & Service Animals

Fair Housing & FAQS

Is there a difference between a "Service Animal" and an "Emotional Support Animal?"

Yes. Service Animals help with specific disabilities.

Emotional Support Animals provide companionship to people with mental health issues.

Is the landlord required to waive the pet deposit/fees if I have an ESA or Service Animal?

A landlord cannot require a deposit if the proper documentation is submitted. However, the pet owner is responsible for any damages caused by the animal.

What documentation do I need to prove my animal is a requirement for my health?
Applicants must fill out a Reasonable Accommodation Form with their healthcare provider’s information and prescription letter for ESA or Service Animal.
Will the property manager contact my health care provider?

Yes, our PetScreening partner will contact your healthcare provider after receiving your RAF & prescription letter to verify the information you provided.

ESA or Service Animal Letter Checklist

Letter signed by mental health professional, doctor, PA, psychologist, social work or other reliable parties. The letter must:

    • State how long the tenant has been a patient.
    • State why the ESA or Service Animal is necessary.
    • Provide contact information and license number from provider. Property Manager will verify this information for accuracy.
    • Complete PetScreening. For ESA or Service Animals, this service is free. We use a third-party to verify accuracy and approval of all documents. To start the process, click the Pet Screening button at the top of this page.